Friday, May 15, 2009

Simple Joy

This morning, Basri, I, Uriah & Thea went to Bellevue Square Mall for a couple hours. We then stopped by Kirkland downtown for lunch. It is probably not a big deal for a lot of people, spending time as a family at the mall. But, for me, it is a great deal. First of all, it is very hard to convince Basri to go to the mall. Not that I like going to the mall that much. I seriously don't. But it is fun going once in a while. And seeing Uriah running like crazy in the mall was priceless. It is what I call, a simple joy. Second of all, today is Friday, thus it is a weekday! I can hardly remember the last time we went out to the mall during weekday (in the US, that is) It must have been years ago. Wait. Maybe it was before we had Uriah. Or, before we got married? Well, you get the point. :)

Basri's work has slowed down a bit, and I know he is not used to it. I don't think he worries about the slowing jobs due to recent economy. He is just used to working long hours, which is not good (from his wife's point of view anyway). :) So I am glad that he finally has more time for us. :p God had been faithful in providing for us. We have food to eat, and a home to live in. Moreover, having a warm family is all that matter. So, we trust that He will continue to provide for us. Right now, I am just glad that we have more time to spend together. I personally think that having such a joy by just going to the mall is awesome. hehe....

Uriah & Thea's Update:

  • Thea's first teeth is coming out. She is 3 month more advance than Uriah. He got his first teeth when he was 10 month old. So..., soon, we won't see Thea's toothless grin anymore.. *sniff* *sniff*

  • A couple weeks ago, after we finished dinner, we let Uriah watch DVD while we clean up the table and do the dishes. Basri and I were talking. Basri was talking pretty loud since we had the water running on the kitchen sink. Suddenly Uriah shushed Basri and said "Daddy, bu yao chao" (meaning: Daddy, don't be noisy please.") We looked at each other and can't stop laughing. That is what we usually say to him when he is being loud and noisy.

  • Daddy: "Uriah. What is daddy's name?"
    Uriah: "Bus-sir-ree" (Basri)
    Daddy: "What is mommy's name?"
    Uriah: "Aw-goodness"
    (he recently using the words "My Goodness", which we think is funny)
    Daddy & Mommy: *speechless*
    (well well, his mommy's name is not the easiest name to pronoun... so, I don't blame him :p)

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