Friday, July 9, 2010

Asian Style Bread 湯種甜麵糰

After so many failed attempts, I finally found my favorite recipe to make Asian style bread. I was very excited, because I am such a bread eater. And this kind of bread is so versatile. You can use the dough to make all different kinds of bread like those in the bakery. Shown in the picture is Shredded Pork bun, Cheese & Chocolate bun, and Green Onion bun. I love making these flavor, just because I always have the ingredients at home. So I don't have to make a special trip to the Asian supermarket.

For those who wants to try making these breads, here is the link to the recipe that I use. I am so thankful for the blogger, for sharing a thorough instructions to all of us. :) And I am thankful for Internet.. What can we do without it?? ^^